The Covington Domestic Violence Task Force (CDVTF)
The Covington Domestic Violence Task Force (CDVTF) was formed in June of 2004 by Victoria Throm and Curt Lindsley. In September 2006, the task force became incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Victoria was the personnel and human service analyst for the City of Covington and a survivor of domestic violence. Curt is a former resident and pastor and now lives in Nashville, Tennessee.
Both Curt and Victoria saw the need to provide awareness education to the community and business leaders, promoting healthy relationships while giving support to victims of domestic violence. They also conducted fundraising projects to further these goals.
In the fall of 2006, Victoria presented the idea of a Purple Light Nights® campaign to the CDVTF for October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Knowing that purple is the symbolic color of domestic violence, the task force embraced the unique concept and the campaign was conceived. Victoria’s vision and goal were to see purple lights shining across the country and around the world.
Over the next nine months, the task force ‘labored’ over the development, marketing, ordering, and processing of the campaign. Victoria shared the idea with the Domestic Violence Task Force Collaborative (made up of eight neighboring cities), local service clubs, the Chamber of Commerce, members of the medical field, the media, businesses, elected officials, and the Washington State Attorney General’s Office.
The campaign was well-received by everyone, and in October 2007, the CDVTF launched Purple Light Nights®.
Name and Logo
The Purple Light Nights® name and logo have both been approved for Federal trademarks of the CDVTF. The purpose of the trademark is to create a brand that will unify the campaign in order to be recognized around the world. Our goal is to grow the campaign worldwide so that purple lights will be seen on porch lights or business windows in every country.
We believe that by promoting the Purple Light Nights® campaign, we will send a consistent message, providing an opportunity to develop public awareness of domestic violence issues and build healthy relationships.
Join the Campaign Now!
There is POWER IN NUMBERS. Purple Light Nights® has grown from a local campaign to a global campaign in 32 states, including Canada and Guam!
We encourage you to join us, wherever you live, and hold a Purple Light Nights® event in your city, county, or country. Please click on “Get Involved” for instructions, downloadable templates, and forms that are available for you to use and edit to fit your specific group. This is also a great opportunity for a fundraiser to help support the work of your task force or organization.