There are several light vendors, including your local hardware store, who may be able to assist you in obtaining black light bulbs and purple string lights. Listed are a few vendors that are great to work with Purple Light Nights® orders. We hope you find this useful as you organize your event.
We use standard bulbs that are either 60 watts or 75 watts (do NOT get less wattage). To clear up any confusion, there are no ‘purple’ light bulbs. What we use are black light bulbs that glow purple.
Under new federal regulations, all white incandescent bulbs under 40 watts are no longer manufactured. However, the exception to that rule is any colored bulb, such as the black-light, which are exempt from the ruling.
(Shipping rates may vary depending on distance.)
Pacific Lamp & Supply Company
5935 4th Ave. South
Seattle, Washington 98108
Spencer Miles, Buyer
Toll-Free: 1(800) 637-0489
Spencer has a stock of 2,000 purple light bulbs to keep up with the demand, no waiting! The price remains at $2.05 per bulb for 2020! He also has pledged 10 cents per bulb for the Covington Domestic Violence Task Force.
NEW PRODUCT: 40' purple mini light strings (5" spacing) for only $10.28 each (they had a slight red tint). We personally have not used these.
DiJulio Displays, Inc.
Brier, Washington 98036
Talk to Rita or Chip
Toll-Free: 1(800) 321-9627
Stocks include black lights at 75 watts, which comes in a 25-pack. They also have string lighting. We prefer the C-6 size.
Item # 206122 LED (mid-size and can hold up well outdoors) - $20.85 per string/check for current prices
1436 East Cliff Road
Burnsville, Minnesota 55337
Mike Guari
Toll-Free: 1(888) 990-9933
[email protected]
They sold 65-watt black lights a few years ago. Please check for current stock and prices. Mike was very responsive and our orders came in a timely manner. Rush shipping is available at a higher rate.
For more details, visit the Get Involved page.
Creative Displays
(913) 402-9617
16210 Foster
Stilwell, Kansas 66085
[email protected]
Mini string lights Item #LEDM5P 17' string lights (4" spacing) $14.00 per string / check current prices. Our favorite for street trees is:
Item LEDC-6P50 string lighting with 4" spacing, 50 lite set, about 17 feet long. It has a great purple color! The 2014 prices were $13.05 per string or case of 12 for $157.
They have superb customer service. Let them know you are ordering for Purple Light Nights® and you may receive a 10% discount.
Yard Signs

We ordered weather-resistant, corrugated plastic yard signs to use for our street tree recognition signs and promoting Purple Light Nights®. Since the signs included our logo along with “STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE,” it was a great visual to promote the campaign. Many residents purchased the signs to post in their yard along with the purple light!
For our recognition signs under the street trees, we added the business's name along with either the name of a victim or facts about domestic violence on the backside. We have a template for this recognition sign under the Get Involved section. Additionally, we printed the business name and/or domestic violence facts on 11x17" paper, laminated them, and used wide-clear tape to put them on the back of the yard signs. They weathered very well.
Premium Graphicx
5512 Mitchelldale Street
Houston, Texas 77092
18x24” sign with one side and one color quantity of ($2.50 for 100) - $250
10x15” wire stakes were free; include shipping charges for your location
Disclaimer: The names of and links to other public or private organizations contained on this website are provided for convenience only. Covington Domestic Violence Task Force does not control or guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any linked information. Reference to any specific organization or product is not intended to and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or approval of such organization or its product.